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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: Freedom to Serve

Freedom to Serve

Freedom to Serve

African Americans have fought in every conflict in American history. Almost always, however, they were segregated into their own units. The 54th Massachusetts in the Civil War, The Buffalo Soldiers of the plains, and the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II are examples of how these men fought with courage and valor in these units.

This practice did however limit the ability of African Americans to be promoted, to have equal treatment, and to be recognized for their contribution. After World War II, African Americans began to demand that they be given life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in equal portions as white Americans as the Declaration of Independence promised.

They could not have been encouraged that the President of the United States, Harry Truman, was known to have the prejudices of his community when it came to views of race. He used racial slurs, told racist jokes, opposed sit-ins and intermarriage and called Dr. Martin Luther King a troublemaker. Whether he would act as President as he felt in private was not the question. It was assumed he would follow the lead of most other politicians of that time period and not show sympathy for African Americans’ goals for equal treatment.

To the astonishment of many, including many in his own party, on July 26, 1948 Truman made one of the biggest contributions to date for racial integration and equality. In issuing Executive Order 9981 the President ordered the desegregation of the armed forces. In line with the Executive Order, Truman formed the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services (also known as the Fahy Committee). The committee’s report entitled Freedom to Serve was issued in May of 1950 and provided the blueprint for ensuring African Americans attained equal treatment and opportunities in their service to the United States.

Today, the Freedom to Serve concept continues to set the stage for leading the way for fair treatment of all service members no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual identity, disability, ethnicity, etc. The report attached offers historical insights to the enduring legacy of change and is provided for contemporary reflection and dialogue on inclusion.

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