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Toxic Leadership: Home

December 2020

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"Destructive leadership"

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Guide Description



"The term toxic leader was first coined by Marcia Whicker in her book, Toxic Leader" - David M. Oberlander*.  The literature suggests the toxic leader may not mean an automatic firing or removal of the toxic leader.  Is it possible to thrive in this type of environment?  Are there ways we can adjust our own actions and responses so we do not contribute to the toxicity?

This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.

Access to AUL subscription databases is limited to current Air University faculty and students.

*David M. Oberlander. "Negative Leadership". Carlisle Barracks, PA, Army War College (U.S.), 2013.

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