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Space Debris: Home

November 2019

Search Terms

Begin by using these keywords in your search engine. 
Use quotes for more exact results.

"Congested Space"
"Kessler Syndrome"
"Space Junk"

(Space OR Orbital) AND Debris
"Space Pollution"

"Space Situational Awareness"


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Guide Description

"The expanded use of space has led to a large growth in the amount of space debris orbiting Earth, most of which is located in the same regions of space that are heavily used by satellites...Currently, more than 21,000 pieces of debris large enough to be detected by the U.S. Space Surveillance Network (SSN) are being tracked as they orbit Earth.  As a result, managing traffic in space and controlling and removing debris are becoming increasingly important issues." (Source - Securing the Skies by Laura Grego and David Wright)

(image source: ESA)

This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.
Access to MSFRIC subscription databases is limited to current Air University faculty and students.

Subject Specialist

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Evette Pearson
600 Chennault Circle Bldg. 1405
Maxwell AFB, AL 361120
(334) 953-5042 (DSN 493-5042)
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