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Statistics Finding Aid: Home

September 2020

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Air Force - Manpower

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Armed Forces - United States - Statistics

Education, Military - United States

Employee Retention - United States - Statistics

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Military Education - United States - Statistics

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Guide Description



This guide should save you time by providing in one place sources of statistical information.  Numerical data on both popular and some common topics can usually be found arranged in table format in The Statistical Abstracts of the United States. The tables often provide in a footnote the name of the source agency and a link to the website where more information can be found. The United States Air Force Statistical Digest can be very helpful in locating figures on Air Force personnel, bases, inventory, aircraft inventory, flying hours, and more. For Air Force and Defense Department related figures see also the Air Force Magazine Almanac annual June issue. Find also in this guide articles and research papers on current topics related to the Air Force and other services.

This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.   

Access to AUL subscription databases is limited to current Air University faculty and students.

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