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Air University Research: AU Research Task Force

A guide on searching and accessing Air University Student Papers

AY20 RTF Report and Outlook

AY20 RTF Report and Outlook

Plans for AY21:

The AU Research Coordinators have commissioned seven Research Task Forces.  Two of them are new and based on a demand signal from outside sponsors:  Russia Strategic Initiative (RSI EUCOM) and Resilience (HAFA1Z/Chaplain Corps).  Two are revivals of pre-AY20 RTFs (Cyber and Nuclear Deterrence), and three build on last year’s success (ACTS, ISR and ISL).

Lessons Learned and Applied:

  • RTFs must have clear sponsorship and sponsors must specify the problem set to be worked
  • RTFs that secure financial sponsorship need to have a MOA in place to avoid misunderstandings and money crunches
  • The primary schoolhouses (AWC and ACSC) need to and have agreed on an early recruitment and selection process to avoid entanglement with elective balloting and have agreed to a flexible meeting schedule made necessary by COVID calendar re-arrangement.
  • RTFs should reach out from the AWC/ACSC construct to include shorter sessions at SOS, SNCOA and work with the eSchool when possible.

In AY20, the Integration Cell supported seven Research Task Forces, which executed two-term elective projects based primarily in ACSC and AWC.  This was the last year under the old model, with some experimentation in reaching out to the eSchool and SOS.


MSFRIC Research Coordinators

Drs. Margaret Sankey and Kenneth Johnson provide oversight of the University's Research Task Forces and support the Air University Chairs.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring an RTF or other AU scholarship, please contact:

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