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Air University Research: AY21 RTF Resiliency Research

A guide on searching and accessing Air University Student Papers

Resiliency RTF AY21

Resiliency Research Task Force (HAF A1Z and Chaplains Corps)

The need has never been greater for the Air Force community to be a resilient one. How can the Air Force leverage its powerful traditions, legacy, and structure to best support 21st century Airmen as they build a culture of community and resilience? How can we measure outcomes to ensure that we are meeting these objectives? How can we bring to bear multiple perspectives to better-achieve success in building a more resilient force?

Air University has initiated a Research Task Force (RTF) elective, giving AWC and ACSC students the option to collaborate, learn, and innovate real solutions to a potentially growing problem with resiliency. Students will have the opportunity to learn the history of Air Force Culture, Organizational Culture for the 21st Century, get “eyes on” the current and ongoing Air Force Resiliency Initiatives, learn tools for researching and measuring outcomes empirically, and be exposed to a variety of perspectives on resiliency. Student research will have the potential to influence key stakeholders as well as appear in publications and at conferences.  Students with quantitative skills and Org Psych, Soc, Psych, Management backgrounds would be helpful but all backgrounds and perspectives are welcome.

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