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Agile Combat Employment (ACE): Home

December 2024

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ACE posture
Adaptive operations
Adaptive warfighting

Agile Combat Employment
Contested logistics
Contingency basing
Combat sustainability (Military science)
Mission-Ready Airmen
Multi-Capable Airmen


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Guide Description


To provide a common lexicon with joint partners, ACE consists of five core elements: posture, C2, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment. The latter four align with the joint functions. Together with the remaining joint functions (information, intelligence, and fires), the five core elements form the whole of ACE’s operational framework.

Agile Combat Employment is defined in AFDN 1-21 as "a proactive and reactive operational scheme of maneuver executed within threat timelines to increase resiliency and survivability while generating combat power throughout the integrated deterrence continuum".

This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.

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