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Begin by using these keywords in your search engine:
Civ-Mil Relations
Civil-Military Relations
Civil Supremacy over the Military
Civilian Control of the Military
Command of Troops
Military-Civil Relations
Profession of Arms
War and Society - United States
Civil-military relations is a broad term describing the relationship between civil society and the military organizations that have been put into place to defend it. "The goal of any state is to harness military professional power to serve vital national security interests, while guarding against the misuse of power that can threaten the well-being of its people."
Source: Pion-Berlin D., Dudley D. (2020) Civil-Military Relations: What Is the State of the Field. In: Sookermany Anders D (eds), Handbook of Military Sciences. p. 1.
This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.
Access to AUL subscription databases is limited to current Air University faculty and students.