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Wargaming: Home

May 2023

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Guide Description

Military conflict simulation. Demonstration of a virtual sand table for urban warfare operations training. This is a computer-generated interactive model used for the simulation of military engagements.

Copyright: ImageQuest

This guide provides articles and documents on the concept of wargaming. Per Matthew Caffrey Jr. of the Aerospace Power Journal, the term wargame is simply a translation of the German Kriegsspiel. Unfortunately, many in the military are uncomfortable with the term wargame, perhaps feeling that war is too severe to be a "game." Thus, making researching the history of wargaming challenging because wargames have been called other names. These names include map maneuver, exercise or modeling, and simulation.*

This research guide is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but is intended to be a starting point from which students can begin their research according to their specific needs.

Access to AUL subscription databases is limited to current Air University faculty and students.

* Source: Caffrey Jr, M. (2000). Toward a history-based doctrine for wargaming. AIR AND SPACE POWER JOURNAL MAXWELL AFB AL.

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