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Magazines: Defense Magazines

Defense Magazines

Direct hyperlinks to the full-text of the most popular military magazines and journals

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1663 Los Alamos Science and Technology Magazine
AFCLC Connection Newsletter Publication of the Air Force Culture and Language Center
AFSA Magazine Publication of the Air Force Sergeants Association
AUSA News Newspaper of the Association of the US Army
Air & Space Power Journal Serves as an open forum for the presentation and stimulation of innovative thinking on military doctrine, strategy, force structure, readiness, and other matters of national defense
Air and Space Forces Magazine (previously Air Force Magazine) Air Force Association's monthly journal on defense and aerospace developments. Full-text issues of the magazine are available beginning with its January 2013 issue. 
Air Force News News and notes of the Air Force
Air Force Times Air Force-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
Air Land Sea Bulletin Air Land Sea Application (ALSA) Center-based publication discusses recent developments in warfighting concepts, issues, and service interoperability
Air Power History Published by the Air Force Historical Foundation
Airman Air Force's flagship publication
Arms Control Today Published by the Arms Control Association
Army Magazine of the Association of the US Army
Army Lawyer Published monthly by the Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
Army Sustainment Authoritative information on Army and defense logistics
Army Times Army-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
C4ISRNET Discusses technologies of communications, defense and intelligence IT, unmanned systems and sensors, GEOINT, and cyber. Previously titled C4ISR & Networks.
CHIPS Navy's information technology magazine
CTC Sentinel Leverages the US Military Academy's Combating Terrorism Center's global network of scholars and practitioners to understand and confront contemporary threats posed by terrorism and other forms of political violence 
Canadian Military Journal Official professional journal of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence
Center for Unconventional Weapons Studies (CUWS) Outreach Journal Provides broad coverage of unconventional weapons issues, both offensive and defensive, across the six joint operating concepts (deterrence operations, cooperative security, major combat operations, irregular warfare, stability operations, and homeland security)
China Brief Jamestown Foundation publication (blocked on .mil computers)
Citizen Airman Official magazine of the Air Force Reserve
Civil Engineer Publication of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Code One Aeronautical advancements newsmagazine
Combating Terrorism Exchange Journal (CTX Journal) CTX is a "quarterly peer-reviewed online journal whose contributors are the men and women at the frontlines of counterterrorism. We publish firsthand accounts and analysis written by special operations personnel, as well as discussions of policy, trends, and operations written by government officials, researchers, CT professionals, and investigative journalists on five continents. The mission of CTX is to foster camaraderie within the CT community by giving its members a forum in which to share their knowledge, experience, and stories with peers from around the world."
Defense AT&L Publication of the Defense Acquisition University that covers acquisitions, technology, and logistics
Defense Acquisition Research Journal Published by the Defense Acquisition University Press
Defense News Defense-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
Defense Speeches Speeches and testimonies by DoD leaders
Eurasia Daily Monitor Discusses strategic realities in Eurasia. A Jamestown Foundation publication (blocked on .mil computers).
FRA Today Fleet Reserve Association monthly magazine
Forum for the discussions of all fires professionals, whether they be Active, Reserves, or National Guard. Disseminates professional knowledge about progress, development, and best use in campaigns. Cultivates a common understanding of the power, limitations, and application of joint fires, both lethal and nonlethal.
Homeland Security Today (HS Today) Magazine for officials with homeland security responsibilities at all levels of federal, state, and local government
Indian Defence Review Analyzes national and international events and trends
Indo-Asia-Pacific Defense FORUM Quarterly military journal by US Pacific Command (USPACOM)
Infantry Publication by the US Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, GA
Institute of Land Warfare publications Professional research papers, newsletters, background briefs, essays, and special reports that are sponsored by the Association of the US Army
Jane's Defence Industry Jane's Defence Industry brings you the latest and most important global defense stories, from military analysis to international industry and market news.
  • Industry news and market intelligence
  • International threats
  • New weapons technologies
  • Global military activity
Jane's Defence: News Module The Defence: News Module delivers world-class news and analysis to keep you up-to-date on global developments in defence procurement, programmes, technology and industry. Includes access to Online Intelligence Briefings.
Jane's Defence Weekly Jane's Defence Weekly is one of the world's most trusted sources of defense news and analysis, delivering timely, reliable news coverage and in-depth analysis of military and commercial defense issues from around the world.
  • Tri-service global and regional news
  • Industry assessment and market analysis
  • Technology briefings
  • Country briefings
Jane's International Defence Review Jane's International Defence Review provides the latest news on defense technology, equipment and systems across land, sea and air.
  • Equipment profiles
  • Technology news
  • Industry profiles
  • Military R&D analysis
Jane's Missiles and Rockets Jane's Missiles and Rockets provides specialist news and intelligence on missiles and rockets in use or under development around the world.
  • New and analysis on all types of missiles
  • Anti-missile defense news
  • Industry assessments
Jane's Navy International Jane's Navy International is one of the most trusted sources of critical naval news in the world, covering operations, technology, procurement and maritime security.
  • Fleet, capability and technology reviews
  • Naval procurement and program updates
  • Maritime security
  • Naval defense industry news and interviews
Joint Forces Quarterly Discusses joint and integrated operations, whole-of-government contributions to national security policy and strategy, homeland security, and developments in training and joint military education
Journal of Character & Leadership Development Brings together views on character and leadership of experts and scholars across multiple disciplines. By combining peer-reviewed, scholarly work with real-world insights and interviews, JCLD aims to enhance intellectual understanding and empower development of effective, character-based leadership.
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics Considers a broad range of topics across the logistics, operations research, and supply chain management space, contributing directly to the art and science of national and/or international defense
Loglines Official Defense Logistics Agency magazine
MS&T: Military Simulation & Training News on military simulation and training
Marine Corps Times Marine Corps-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
Medical Surveillance Monthly Report A product of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch
Militant Leadership Monitor Jamestown Foundation publication (blocked on .mil computers)
Military Advanced Education & Transition Education and career transition guide for servicemembers and veterans
Military Engineer Society of American Military Engineers
Military Law Review The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
Military Police The professional bulletin of the Military Police Corps
Military Review Journal of the US Army Combined Arms Center. Currently published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Entire run of the English, French, and Arabic editions are available as well as the Spanish (1998 - present) and Portuguese (2003 - present) editions.
Military Times Military-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
NATO Review Looks at some of today's most pressing security issues by publishing videos, articles, timelines, maps, podcasts, cartoons, and more on everything from cyber attacks to the effect of social media in revolutions
NSSI Space Weekly

The National Security Space Institute's (NSSI's) weekly e-newsletter, it consolidates space articles from numerous sources pertaining to current events and rapidly evolving technologies (Note: Must be viewed on a .mil/.gov network with a CAC. Preferably viewed on Internet Explorer.) 

National Defense Business and technology magazine of the National Defense Industrial Association
National Guard National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) monthly publication
National Security Science Showcases the importance, breadth, and depth of Los Alamos National Laboratory's scientific and technical work that is used to solve key challenges to US national security
Naval Aviation News Reviews the latest technological advances in aircraft and weapon systems and the influence of US naval air power in global events. Issues include historical profiles of aircraft, aviation ships, important aviators, and organizations that affect the Navy's control of the air.
Naval History Published by the US Naval Institute
Naval War College Review Established in 1948, it is a forum for discussion of public policy matters of interest to the maritime services
Navy Supply Corps Newsletter Professional journal of the Navy Supply Corps
Navy Times Navy-related news, pay issues, benefits, careers, entertainment, and photos
North Caucasus Weekly Jamestown Foundation publication (blocked on .mil computers)
Over the Horizon Established by a multi-service team of military officers and academics within the Air Command and Staff College’s Multi-Domain Operations Strategist program. Explores innovative thinking on the problems that make up the complex future international security landscape.
PRISM Published by the Center for Complex Operations, it discusses complex and integrated national security operations, reconstruction and nation building, relevant policy and strategy, lessons learned, and developments in training and education to transform America's security and development apparatus to meet tomorrow's challenges better while promoting freedom today   
Parameters US Army War College quarterly publication
Proceedings Published by the US Naval Institute
Reservist Produced by the US Coast Guard Reserve
SeaPower Navy League of the United States official publication
Signal Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association magazine
Stars and Stripes Independent news organization that covers US military news
State Magazine US Department of State magazine
Strategic Forum series Presents original research by members of the National Defense University (NDU) as well as other scholars and specialists in national security affairs from the United States and abroad
Strategic Studies Quarterly A strategic journal of the US Air Force that provides a forum for critically examining, informing, and debating national and international security matters
Survival Bimonthly journal from the International Institute for Strategic Studies
Terrorism Monitor Analysis of the war on terror. A Jamestown Foundation publication (blocked on .mil computers).
Torch Official safety magazine of Air Education and Training Command
Transforming Joint Air Power: The Journal Joint Air Power Competence Centre publication that discusses air- and space power-related issues such as doctrine, strategy, force structure, and readiness
Via Satellite Provides information on current and evolving applications, infrastructure issues, technology, and business and regulatory developments around the world
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