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AU Faculty Connect FAQ

AU Faculty Connect

What is AU Faculty Connect?

AU Faculty Connect is a tool that collects and harvests scholarly works by Air University's researchers and faculty, civilian and active duty. It is a public facing platform that displays this collection of works and researcher profiles. Versus searching the open Internet, which a researcher may not even be found, a user can search one place for faculty and researchers currently at Air University. This platform provides a real visibility of Air University faculty, with consistency across the board, building on a central location. The potential to highlight individual researchers, including the overall research capabilities of Air University, will continue to grow.

Some fields are blocked by AU Faculty Connect Administrators for consistency and continuity among the Air University Enterprise. If a researcher would like to update their profile, please email an administrator with the requested changes here.

Who Can Have A Profile?

Any Air University faculty can have a profile--please enroll using the AU Faculty Connect Form, and attach the CV to the form.

Following Air University policies, profiles are for professional use only. Some fields in the profiles are locked. Examples of these locked fields are telephone numbers, emails, and links. Please send any update requests to AU Faculty Connect Administrators here.

A profile image is optional. If a researcher chooses not to add an official photo, their school affiliation shield will be used.

Please note: these profiles will not be used for re-employment.

Adding Works

For any new researcher added to AU Faculty Connect, the more scholarly works added, the better. Once the system understands the researcher's research matter and interests, it will search journals, magazines, and websites for any newly published works. Once approved by the administrators, it will be linked to the researchers portal profile.

If works are available electronically, a link to the full-text will be available in AU Faculty Connect; conversely, works will appear in Air University Library's online catalog.

To add works, researchers should email the publication to the AU Faculty Connect Administrators. Eventually, researchers may be able to add their own works via their online portal.

The online form walks the researcher through the different types of works, author(s), publisher(s), etc. Works included are related to the faculty member's teaching subject matter:

  • published research
  • conference presentations
  • white papers
  • lectures
  • webinars
  • and more

Works are vetted before approval and posted to the AU Faculty Connect. If an error is found regarding a scholarly work, please email the AU Faculty Connect Administrators here.

Can I Access My Profile?

Yes, faculty can access their profile, however, there are a few steps that need to occur before that happens. Please take a look at this short introduction video on how to get started.


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