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AFGC (GCPME) Student Support Page

Air Force Global College student support

Research Specialists


AU librarians provide research and curriculum support in the following subject areas and schools.
Call (334) 953-5042 or contact us and let us know how we can assist with your questions and research problems. A Library Research Specialist will respond directly to you.

Military Topics

Air Power
Civil-Military Affairs/Processes (Includes SSTR)
Electronic Warfare
Information Operations (Includes social media)
Intelligence (Includes ISR)
Irregular/Asymmetric/Hybrid Warfare
Joint Forces/Operations
Military Leaders
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Nuclear Deterrence (Theory, Treaties, Strategy)
Operations Other Than War
Security, National & Homeland
Special Operations
Technology & the Military (Bio, Nano, DE, IT, Non-Lethal)
Terrorism  (& U.S. War on Terrorism)
Total Forces & Total Force Concept  (Reserve/Guard Forces)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems
War  (Theory, Causes, Law, Termination)
Weapons of Mass Destruction/Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Warfare

Geographic Areas

Asia, North & East (China, Japan, Koreas, Taiwan)
Asia, South (Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc)
Asia, Southeast (Indonesia, Vietnam, etc)
Europe, Eastern & Central (Caucasus/CIS/Russia)
Europe, Western
Latin America
Middle East and Persian Gulf

School Liaisons

Air Command and Staff College
Air Force Fellows
Air War College
Blue Horizons
Eaker College for Professional Development (Cmdr's School, USAF CCC, AFPPDS, DFM&CS, NSSI)
International Officer School
Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions & Citizen Development (AFROTC, AFJROTC, CAP, OTS)
Lemay Center for Doctrine, Development & Education
School of Advanced Air & Space Studies
Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Squadron Officer School
Warrant Officer Training School

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