"Ethics, however, does not only consist in the professional moral code that binds us in battle. It guides our everyday existence and gives us purpose and strength of character to make the right choices in every dimension of our personal and professional lives." (Gen. John Allen, foreword to Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know). |
Rather than focusing on the research topic, the case study method investigates specific instances by which the topic may be bounded. The case study approach also enables researchers to describe and illuminate a phenomenon found in complex social units with little previous investigation (Merriam, 2009). |
"The term toxic leader was first coined by Marcia Whicker in her book, Toxic Leader" - David M. Oberlander*. The literature suggests the toxic leader may not mean an automatic firing or removal of the toxic leader. Is it possible to thrive in this type of environment? Are there ways we can adjust our own actions and responses so we do not contribute to the toxicity? |
Leading with integrity, fairness, clear goals, high expectations, and the ability to provide inspiration, recognition, support, encouragement, and motivation beyond self-interest. Working together with subordinates to reach for the incredible. |
The Unified Command Plan is a classified executive branch document prepared by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staf that assigns missions; planning, training and operational responsibilities; and geographic areas of responsibility to combatant commands. Functional cocoms operate worldwide across geographic boundaries and provide unique capabilities to geographic combatant commands and the services, while geographic cocoms operate in clearly delineated areas of operation and have a distinctive regional military focus. There are currently 11 cocoms:
There are eleven MAJCOMs, specializing in management of forces to assure they are organized, trained, and equipped. These organizations are based on functionality and geography. The MAJCOM commander is typically a 4- or 3-star General.
The functionally based Major Commands:
The geographically based Major Commands are:
There are twenty-five NAFs, which are referred to as tactical echelons, providing operational leadership and supervision for the assigned operational units under them. “A numbered Air Force is usually assigned for geographical purposes, and primarily used only during wartime. In peacetime, they generally only consist of a limited number of headquarters staff whose job it is to prepare and maintain wartime plans.”1 The NAF commander is typically a 3- or 2-star General.