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Teaching Remotely: Home

Information to adjust your instruction for a remote environment

Tips and Tricks for Teaching Remotely

Developing online courses takes immense thought and planning.  However, for the duration for the academic term, we will need to do our best to quickly transition from in person instruction to remote instruction.  Be flexible in your expectations as you will not be able to deliver courses in the exact same way and students will not be able to interact in the exact same way as a face to face classroom.  Use the information below to ease the transition for yourself and your students.

Using the Library Remotely-- FAQ

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Air University Library
600 Chennault Circle,
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How to Communicate

Announcements Canvas allows for announcements to be sent through the course.
Email Canvas allows for direct email through your course.  You can email individual students, groups, or the whole class.
Teams Microsoft Office 365 (no FOUO/PII authorized) lets you set up Teams with calls, virtual meetings/seminars, file sharing, chat, wiki pages, and more communication outlets. (Note: A6 recommends using O365 on commercial Internet)
Decide what your main method of communication will be with students and what your timeline for communication will be.  Make sure this information is included in your course information so you and your students can manage expectations during this transition.

How to Deliver Content

Delivery: Asynchronous: (recommended) will be the easiest method of instruction for you and your students as you quickly transition to an online format.  It allows for the most flexibility and considers students' challenges with other scheduling needs during this pandemic.  You can record sessions and add features via the Adobe Creative Suite of software.  See the Teaching and Learning Center's Media Lab for access for access and assistance with this technology. 
Delivery: Synchronous: Use Teams or other web conferencing software sparingly for real time communication with students.  Whevener possible, record and post these conferences in Canvas or in your Teams account for access.  Remember that students are facing major adjustments in technology access and scheduling during this transition, so it is important to keep delivery flexible and accessible.
Course materials: Use Canvas to hang your course materials such as copyright cleared readings or slide decks.  You can also provide permalinks to to library materials or provide links to subject related LibGuides to help students find related readings for your course.  For assistance with permalinks or LibGuides, contact the library staff at

How Will Students Complete Learning Activities

Canvas has a number of tools to allow students to submit assignments and assessments.  For assistance on using these features of Canvas, see the AU Canvas Guides
Teams is a great space for student interaction and collaborative work.  Use a team to monitor group discussions and group projects conducted by students. 


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