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DAF Learning Body of Knowledge

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The Air Force Competency Modeling Handbook (AFH 36-2647), published on February 8, 2022, is a valuable resource for Airmen seeking to enhance their skills and readiness. Developed by the Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command (AETC), this handbook introduces a validated competency-modeling framework that is scalable, reliable, and repeatable. Its purpose is to assist career fields in developing occupational competency models. Access here: (Free download).

List of Airman’s Foundational Competencies “Kneeboards” defines each competency and provides several Examples of Observable Behaviors at different levels (Expert, Advanced, Intermediate, Basic). These behaviors illustrate how an Airman might demonstrate competency in their work. Access it here: download)

Learning Engineering Toolkit: Evidence-Based Practices from the Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, and Beyond is a practical guide that combines insights from learning sciences, instructional design, and engineering to help professionals design and improve effective learning experiences. It offers evidence-based practices to support learners and create an engaging and successful educational system.  Access here: (CAC required).

Competency Framework: Build for Tomorrow outlines a process for creating a competency framework that defines the skills and knowledge needed for success in a particular role.  By following this framework, organizations can ensure their workforce has the capabilities to thrive in the ever-changing future. Access here: (CAC required).

Competency-Based Training Basics explores competency-based training, which identifies the skills and knowledge required for a specific job and designs training programs to teach those skills and knowledge. This approach can improve worker performance by filling gaps between an employee's current abilities and ideal job performance. Access it here: CAC required).

Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem proposes a blueprint that integrates technological advancements, learning science, policy, and organizational factors to create a learning ecosystem that caters to individual needs and fosters continuous growth. Access it ere: (Free download)

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