There may be outdated links within these documents.
See current and updated materials on our Subject Research Guides page. To find other items in the AUL collection, search our catalog or contact an AUL Librarian.
Scholarly Literature
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China (COVID-19) represents a significant and urgent threat to global health. Therefore, many publishers, like the ones below, are participating in the free exchange of current health information in order to ensure that research findings and data relevant to this outbreak are shared rapidly and openly to inform the public health response and help save lives. You can learn more at the Wellcome Trust.
LitCOVID (Curated literature hub)
New England Journal Of Medicine - 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
SpringerNature - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Government and Organizational Resources
Maryland Department of Health (MDH)
Montgomery County Government, Department of Health and Human Services, COVID-19 Information
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Coronaviruses
DisasterLit (Grey literature)
GenBank (Annotated genome sequence)
LitCOVID (Curated literature hub)
Medline Plus (Consumer level information)
Medline Plus (Spanish)
NCBI Virus (Search, retrieve, and analyze 2019-nCoV Genbank data)
Nextstrain (Genomic epidemiology of nCoV)
ProMED-mail (Publicly-available system conducting global reporting of outbreaks)
University of Minnesota's Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy
University of Oxford and the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine's COVID-19 Evidence Service
US Department of Homeland Security: Master Question List for COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2)
US Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19
YouTube was recently blocked on DISA networks computers, so you may need to use personal phones/iPads to view educational videos.
Educational Resources
World Health Organization, approximately 3 hours to complete
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19
Click here for Maxwell AFB page
Military Specific Resources
Guidance for Providers (for training, please select the Education tab)
Tips and Tricks for Teaching Remotely: Developing online courses takes immense thought and planning. However, for the duration for the academic term, we will need to do our best to quickly transition from in person instruction to remote instruction. Be flexible in your expectations as you will not be able to deliver courses in the exact same way and students will not be able to interact in the exact same way as a face to face classroom. Use the information below to ease the transition for yourself and your students.
How to Communicate
How to Deliver Content
How Will Students Complete Learning Activities
Click here for the Federal Government's Telework Program
Access to the Air University Library and its resources is available to current Air University staff, students and faculty. For access information, please see links below:
Literature Searching
Ask a librarian for assistance with a literature search
A lit search is searching a database for targeted results on your topic
Other related pieces to lit searching:
Request document delivery if you're looking for full-text PDFs for citations you've found
Set up a an NCBI account
My NCBI allows you to save searches, save collections of citations, manage filters, and save site preferences for major NCBI databases in PubMed.
We recommend setting up a free account (you don't have to use your address) so you can have personalized features, such as the links to full text results, highlighting of your search results, and the abstracts displayed when you search rather than just the summaries of articles.
Once you've created an account, go to the Filters box, click on "Manage Filters" and then select "Link Out". In the box, type in "Darnall" and check off both the boxes for filter and link icon. Next, in the search box, type in "Free Full Text," and check off the box for "filter."
Now you can go back to the top of the screen and click on "MyNCBI" again to customize your results display. Choose "NCBI Site Preferences" then, on the next page, change your highlighting preferences to a color of your choice (it is probably default to a non-color), and your "result display setting" to "abstract" and whichever number you choose instead of summary. You're all set and ready to search!
More information on NCBI accounts (there's a lot more to them, including saved searches)
Tips and Tricks for Teleworking during COVID-19
Local Resources
Maxwell AFB and Gunter Annex
Alabama Department of Public Health
Call the Alabama COVID-19 24/7 hotline at 1-888-264-2256 for testing sites and hours of operation.
For more information on testing for COVID-19, visit COVID-19 Testing
On March 19, 2020, Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Public Health issued a statewide health order to aid in Alabama's efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Read the full health order online.
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to over a thousand relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access.
Air University Library
600 Chennault Circle,
Building 1405
Maxwell AFB, 36112