Group study rooms must be reserved served and can be found on the first floor of the library and second floor of the annex.
Study Rooms are intended to support academic work by Air University students working on group projects or studying together. Priority use of the rooms will be given to students using them for group study. They are not intended for use as individual study carrels or as general-purpose classrooms. Due to the popularity of these rooms, the library has established policies for their use.
AU Students have priority for group study rooms.
Study rooms must be reserved.
Study rooms are booked in 4 hour increments. For special requests or events that need a longer booking, contact the Reference Desk.
If individuals within the group or the group as a whole are engaging in unacceptable and/or disruptive behavior, the group will be asked to leave.
The Library is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property. If you leave the room unattended, you risk the loss of your possessions. Lost and Found items are deposited at the Reference Desk in each Library.
Please show consideration by straightening the room and clearing all trash when vacating.
You are encouraged to ask for assistance at any of the library's service desks.
30 June 2021